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eAadhar card became Secure: What is Masked Aadhaar? and how to download it.

The base card has been made more secure. This feature has been started for eAadhaar. This secure support has been given the name of 'Masked Aadhaar'. Now while downloading the support, you can hide the number of base cards. This will work more for people who do not want to share a support number .

What is eAadhaar?

Support is a password-protected electronic copy from password. This is a UIDAI digital signature. According to eAadhar law eAadhar is valid for physical copy of the support for all purposes. eid download can be downloaded from uidai.gov.in Support card can be downloaded through a virtual support or registration id

How To Download Masked eAdhaar?

First of all go to uidai.gov.in.After, click on Aadhaar Enrolment in the Support Registration section. Here, first of all, you should select a support card, Virtual Assistance Card or Registration ID through which you want to download eAadhaar. After this, Normal support and the masked support option will be displayed, from which select Masked Support. Then enter the base card, virtual support card or registration ID. Then, your name, postal code, security code Please request to the OTP. Then enter the OTP karote Download mask the base card.

Keep in mind that the base card password is protected. And its password is the first four characters of your name and four letters of your birth date year.

In the original card of 'Masked eAdhaar', 8 digit marks in 12 digit identification number will be hidden and only 4 digits of the end will show. However, other information including your photograph and QR code will be visible.

eAadhar card became Secure: What is Masked Aadhaar? and how to download it. Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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